Made up of the deposits of volcanic ash that settled on our Earth over years which allowed the absorption of a host of skin-friendly nutrients your skin will take a liking to Bentonite clay as quickly as a fish takes to water! Incredibly powerful to put a rest to infernal skin woes like wrinkles blemishes open pores etc. Bliss of Earth Bentonite clay is here and how! Thanks to its excellent blending property it is frequently relied upon for cosmetic purposes. Because of its ability to pull out muck from skinoinnermost pores it is particularly advantageous when suffering from a terrible bout of acne. Relied upon since years for an effective anti-acne treatment as well as a post acne treatment to fade the spots left by the uninvited guest called acne the next time you want to nip acne in the bud look no further than Bliss of EarthoBentonite Clay.