Mini Roller (Deluxe) - Effective in joints pain. For cervical spondylitis and Total body massage and relaxation.|Acupressure Jimmy - Wooden - For special Su-Jok points f your finger. Use it in Su-Jok treatment. Essential tool for Su-Jok Therapist And Acupressurist. It also helps in blood circulation by rolling between your hands and on other parts of body|Foot roller (Wooden) - Foot Roller for foot relaxation and pain relief. Press & roll your foot over the roller daily 5-10 minutes and warm up your leg. It helps in Arthritis sciatica leg pain gouts and improves digestive system.|Hand Roll (Pyramidal) - Pressing all points of Hand and Finger at a time. Roll it over responsive center (hand & foot). The roller is a useful device which is used to stimulate the acupressure points located in the hands. By doing so it is said to benefit various systems in the body such as aiding blood circulation improving digestion renewed energy and pain relief. Do this for about 3-5 minutes daily before meal times for best results.|Shoe Sole for Hight - Shoe Sole height increaser that helps you to increase height naturally by the use of magneto-therapy. It helps a lot for making you Taller in just 90 Days. Choose the Best way to grow naturally and moreover 0% side-effects.