Produce the right amount of urine healthy kidneys are very crucial to match the fluid the body takes in while you eat and drink. Damaged kidneys donât function properly in producing urine. It means that fluid builds up in the body resulting in high blood pressure difficulty in breathing and swollen ankles. There is no specific age for the kidney ailment it may hit at any stage of life. If the kidneys are not functioning properly medications may help for a short duration of time but it's important to get the kidneys checked for getting a proper medication schedule like dosing changes or replacement medicines. At GuruPrasadam our mission and vision is to produce some of the most effective and finest quality natural herbs that help people with chronic kidney disorders. The experts at our base possess wide domain expertise who specialize in bringing out the best from pure natural raw herbs and coming up with natural medicines that are not only highly effective but also totally nontoxic. Our ardent professionals work hard in close alliance with our honorable clientele for delivering quality approved medicines to the patrons.