For attaining pregnancy and other women related diseases.If the seeds of `putrajivak` and `shivlingi` are taken regularly then the causes of infertility and childlessness are treated.Divya Shivlingi Seed is used for fertlity treatment. It is the treatment for female fertility. It helps in balancing the hormones and natural infertility treatment. For the beneficial result it must be taken on the regular basis. It provides nourishment to the female organs and support in the normal functioning. It balance the hormones to retain pregnancy. It si good product for those females who are suffering from habitual abortion. It gives relief from the symptoms associated with the menopause. It helps to treat the symptoms of depression, mood changes, and pain in the extremities, irritability, dark circles under the eyes. It is used to treat all the diseases related to women. Divya Shivlingi Seed is indicated for all types of female disorders such as leucorrhea, painful menstruation, DUB, pain in the back, pelvis, uterus. It helps to treat all types of menstrual cycle. It is helpful in treating profuse bleeding during menstruation and other discomfort that is experienced by women during monthly menstrual cycle.* Female Infertility and gynecological disorders.* Restoration of hormonal imbalance.* Complete nourishment to the female reproductive organs.* Treatment of various menstrual disorder.* Provide strength to the female sex hormones.* It helps in increasing the sex desire.Herbals / Botanicals