JwarnashakVati cures viral infections and fevers like dengue and chikungunya. It also cure infections in upper respiratory tract caused by seasonal changes or environmental pollution. It is prepared from herbs with anti-viral properties and contains vitamin C which enables you to fight cold infections and boost immunity.Divya JwarNashak Kwath is a very effective cure if you are having prolonged fever accompanied by shivering and joint pains. Kalmegh and neem in Divya JwarNashak Kwath has antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties which flush out the micro-organisms from your system and cure the root cause of the fever. Divya JwarNashak Kwath is a trusted cure for chronic fevers caused by infections or inflammation in any internal organs. It also boosts your immunity, reduces joint swelling, relieves joint pain and stiffness. The herbal properties in Divya JwarNashak Kwath have nutrients that help your body recover its strength. Get holistic cure from recurring fever with Divya JwarNashak Kwath.Divya Jwarnashak Kwath is used for all types of fever.It is prepared by the natural ingredients which give instant dengue, malaria, Chickengunia and other types of fever.It contains required amount of giloy, chirayata, kaalmegh. It increases the stamina of the body and also improves the joint pains.It is also used in cold, cough, chronic fever, swine flu, and bronchitis.It also boost the immunity of the body.It also give nourishment to all parts of the body so as to make it strong enough to get recovered from the diseased condition.* Treatment of various types of fever* Boosting immunity of the body* Make it capable of fighting with the causative factors behind the fever* Provides nourishment to all the parts of body* Make it strong enough to get recovered from the diseased condition Giloy (tinosporacordifolia) Desi tulsi (ocimum sanctum) Neem (azadirachtaindica) Haldi (curcuma longa) Kutki (picrorhizakurroa) Chirayata (swertischirata) Kalmegh (andographispanniculata) Jalneem (bacopa monnieri) Ashwagandha (withaniasomnifera) Arkmul (calotropisprocera) Dronpushpi (leucas cephalotus) Lavang (syzygiumaromaticum) Dalchini (cinnamomumzeylanicum) Kakdashringi (pistaciaintigerrimma) Mulethi (glycyrrhiza gglabra) Rudanti (cressacrecita) Akarkara (anacyclus pyrethrum) Amritasat (tinosporacordifolia) Sanjeevanivati Kapardakbhasma (cypraeamoneta) Abhrakbhasma (incinerated mica) Trikatuchurna Tankan bhasma (sodium biborate) Muktashuktibhasm Gum acacia Talcum, aerosil - Q.S.