A delicate looking herb with a penetrating fragrance Pungent minty light-lemon aroma. Due to its wonderful strong odoriferous nature thyme adds warmth & pungency to dishes. Stems are stiff and woody and leaves are small oval and gray-green in color. Flowers can be white to lilac and are in small clusters. thyme is highly aromatic with a hint of clove and mint fragrance. generally thyme will have a sharp almost minty flavor. It is earthy with floral hints and is a little sweet and a little bit sweet and a little bit peppery. It has a subtle enough flavor so it blends very well with other herbs making it a staple in any spice rack. It is commonly used for flavor foods. Thyme is typically used in savory dishes like braised or roasted chicken vegetables or fish as well as in savory baking. It can also be used to add flavor and depth to marinades soups and stocks cocktail elements and teas.